Shri Asha brings ancient wisdom to modern life style. Phone: +44-7713332625

Healing & Rejuvenating Ayurvedic therapies

We design therapies that give you balanced Ayurveda experience based on your unique body composition.


At Shri Asha, we offer a variety of Ayurvedic therapies to support various conditions. All of our therapies are based on the traditional applications of herbs and medicated oils for deeper restoration and healing, these therapies are highly customized based on each individual’s needs and body constitution. Ayurvedic therapies vary from general rejuvenating, de-stressing treatments to chronic condition specific treatments, providing great relief.

New to Ayurveda? Want to know more about various therapies suitable for you? Please get in touch for an initial telephonic consultation.

The pressure& stress of our day to day busy lives is easily shown in our facial muscles. Without releasing this tension, certain thoughts and emotions can become habitual, locking into the expression of our faces.

The Aurvedic marmafacial massage not only helps to melt away this tension, but also makes your skin glow.

Kansa Wand Treatment is an expanded form of “Ayurvedic Marma Facial Massage.”. In this treatment an additional step is added to the process of Ayurvedic Marma Facial Massage. As an additional part a WAND made of Virgin Copper and Zinc, is used to massage facial MARMA point. Electroconductivity of KANSA WAND provides an incredibly effective way to activate these energy points, releasing all the tensions from facial muscles and providing your face a rejuvenative glow.

Marma Point Scalp Massage also known as Shiro-Abhyanga is a very effective and rejuvenating head massage treatment, providing great benefits for:

  • Relieving severe headache
  • De—stressing body and minds

Science behind Marma Scalp Massage: Short description provided below would help you understand scientific functioning behind scalp massage.

Shiro Dhara is comprised of two words:-

  • Shiro – means Head and
  • Dhara – means laminar flow of liquid.

A traditional and blissful Ayurvedic therapy  Shirodhara involves gently pouring a continuous stream of warm medicated herbal oil on the foreheadfrom a specially designed vessel to promote relaxation and well-being.

Takradhara is a treatment similar to Shirodhara, but instead of medicated oils (as used in Shirodhara), medicated buttermilk is used in Takradhara treatment. The process, functioning and benefits of this treatment are very similar to Shirodhara but depending upon your body and skin conditions, the Ayurvedic practitioner may prefer Takrdhara over Shirodhara. Takradhara has been found more effective in insomnia, chronic headache like migraine and spondylitis.

Ksheerdhara is a treatment similar to Shirodhara, but in this treatment medicated milk is used instead of medicated oils (as used in Shirodhara). The herbs used to process the milk depends upon your condition and desired results. Ksheerdhara is very effective for people with Pitta constitution type and provides great relief for insomnia, headaches, burning sensation, hair loss.

Pinda Sweda also known as Navarakizhi or Shashtika Shali Pinda, a deeply relaxing and invigorating ayurvedic theraputic massage which promote blood circulation, Improves lymphatic drainage, soothes nerves, relaxes muscles and greatly help in reducing muscular pain, swelling and stiffness.

In Pinda Sweda, the Pinda (meaning the bag-made of pure cotton cloth) is filled with a special kind of rice (called Shashtika Shali) cooked in milk and mixed with a selected herbal decoction. The warm begs are evenly rubbed on the affected areas to induce Sweda (the sweat/perspiration).

Udvartana is one of the signature treatments of Ayurveda that is performed by using detoxifying herbal pastes and powders rubbed all over the body and deeply massaged in specific movements allowing subcutaneous tissues to release their toxins efficiently.

The herbs are first mixed in nourishing oil that maximises the effect of micro-dermal abrasion, improves the circulation and aiding into the metabolic activity.

Nasya means nasal therapy and as per Ayurveda, our nose is the door to consciousness and provides pathway to inner-self of our body and mind. It is a well-known fact that medications that are applied via nasal passages have a quick effect on us.

As part of Nasya treatment a variety of medicated herbal oils, medicated ghee are applied through nose. The treatment is performed on empty stomach an hour before or after a shower or exercise.

Knee joint pain is caused by many conditions such as Osteoarthritis,bursitis, patellar tendonitis, sprained ligaments, Running, excessing wear in knee joints due to frequent bending etc.

While these knee problems can be physically very painful, they are often very annoying and irritating putting stress on our mental wellbeing as well.

Based on similar principles as Janu Basti, Kati Basti is a treatment where a circle of dough is placed on a specified area, often the lower back. Warm medicated oil is poured into the dough based on the practitioner’s prescription.

This is a great treatment for balancing Vata. Kati Basti improves sciatica, digestion,relieves spinal problems and calms the mind. The treatment works to improve blood flow, reduce swelling and alleviate pain.

Greeva Basti is another basti treatment focused on neck related problems. Fundamentally it is similar to other Basti treatments such as Janu Basti, Kati Basti. In this treatment the dough ring is formed on affected neck area and warm medicated oils are poured into it forming a pool.

It is very effective treatment for neck problem such as general neck pain (often due to screen stress, cervical spondylitis, I.V. disc prolapses, arthrosis etc.

The pressure & stress of our day to day busy lives is easily shown in our facial muscles. Without releasing this tension, certain thoughts and emotions can become habitual, locking into the expression of our faces.

The Aurvedic marmafacial massage not only helps to melt away this tension, but also makes your skin glow.
The essential difference between Ayurvedic Marma Facial and usual beauty facials is that, during Ayurveda Marma Facial – the Facial MARMA points, that are located over lymph nodes & joints associating our face to endocrine glands, are specifically massaged. Gently massaging these Marma points is believed to release the tension from facial muscles by improving lymphatic and blood circulation, resulting in visibly glowing, radiant skin.

We use 100% organic Ayurvedic products specifically tailored to your needs.
So much more than just a facial treatment, our Ayurvedic marma facial massage includes:

Duration: 45 minutes                                        Price: £ 45

Kansa Wand Treatment is an expanded form of “Ayurvedic Marma Facial Massage.”. In this treatment an additional step is added to the process of Ayurvedic Marma Facial Massage. As an additional part a WAND made of Virgin Copper and Zinc, is used to massage facial MARMA point. Electroconductivity of KANSA WAND provides an incredibly effective way to activate these energy points, releasing all the tensions from facial muscles and providing your face a rejuvenative glow.

Herbs Used: While selection of herb is decided based on your skin type, generally following herbs as used in Kansa Wand Treatment:

Saffron– (more expensive per ounce than gold)powerful herb to brightening the complexion and also soothing irritation. The potassium found in saffron encourages cell repair, restoring damaged skin and slowing signs of ageing

Manjishtha– considered as apex of superfoods, it aids in purification by improving lymphatic circulation

Licorice– full of anti-oxidants to help combat ageing caused by free radicals and is helpful in fading pigmentation and blemishes4.

Duration: 60 minutes                                                                  Price: £60

Marma Point Scalp Massage also known as Shiro-Abhyanga is a very effective and rejuvenating head massage treatment, providing great benefits for:

The science behind Marma Scalp Massage: Short description provided below would help you understand the scientific functioning behind scalp massage.

There are 108 vital points on the body called marma points. Thirty-one of these are located in the head, coinciding with

Duration:45mins                                        Price:£40

Shiro Dhara is comprised of two words:-

A traditional and blissful Ayurvedic therapy  Shirodhara involves gently pouring a continuous stream of warm medicated herbal oil on the forehead from a specially designed vessel to promote relaxation and well-being.

Shirodhara activates the parasympathetic (rest & digest) nervous system and has a balancing effect on our sympathetic (fight or flight) nervous system.

That is why it can reach the depths of the – nervous system and consciousness, binding physical, mental, and emotional health together.

This luxurious and nourishing herbalized oil infused with extremely powerful herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Bhringraj and Brahmi takes the subtle yet impactful effects of Shirodhara deeper.

Want to find more about stress management in Ayurveda? Please find here.

Duration:60 mins                                        Price:£60

Takradhara is a treatment similar to Shirodhara, but instead of medicated oils (as used in Shirodhara), medicated buttermilk is used in Takradhara treatment. The process, functioning and benefits of this treatment are very similar to Shirodhara but depending upon your body and skin conditions, the Ayurvedic practitioner may prefer Takradhara over Shirodhara. Takradhara has been found more effective in insomnia, chronic headaches like migraine and spondylitis.

Duration: 60mins                                        Price: £60

Ksheerdhara is a treatment similar to Shirodhara, but in this treatment medicated milk is used instead of medicated oils (as used in Shirodhara). The herbs used to process the milk depends upon your condition and desired results. Ksheerdhara is very effective for people with Pitta constitution type and provides great relief for insomnia, headaches, burning sensation, hair loss.

Duration: 60mins                                        Price: £60

Pinda Sweda also known as Navarakizhi or Shashtika Shali Pinda, a deeply relaxing and invigorating ayurvedic therapeutic massage which promotes blood circulation, Improves lymphatic drainage, soothes nerves, relaxes muscles and greatly help in reducing muscular pain, swelling and stiffness.

In Pinda Sweda, the Pinda (meaning the bag-made of pure cotton cloth) is filled with a special kind of rice (called Shashtika Shali) cooked in milk and mixed with a selected herbal decoction. The warm begs are evenly rubbed on the affected areas to induce Sweda (the sweat/perspiration).

The heat and herbal extracts absorbed through the skin are highly rejuvenative, nourishing and strengthening. The sweat induced during the massage helps with lymphatic drainage and detoxify the body.

Pind Sweda is highly recommended for:

Duration: 30 mins                                        Price: £40

Udvartana is one of the signature treatments of Ayurveda that is performed by using detoxifying herbal pastes and powders rubbed all over the body and deeply massaged in specific movements allowing subcutaneous tissues to release their toxins efficiently.

The herbs are first mixed in nourishing oil that maximises the effect of micro-dermal abrasion, improves the circulation and aiding into the metabolic activity.


Udvartana is the treatment of choice for cellulite and obesity. The treatment starts with a hair and scalp massage followed by detoxifying powder massage of the body and ends in a session under a warm blanket leaving the body feeling invigorated and the mind relaxed.


Based on the detailed consultation, we choose the appropriate combination of herbs and oils. This combination, especially chosen for the individual (depending on his/her body constitution, climate and ailment etc.) would yield the specific result that one is looking for.

Udvartana is extremely beneficial when performed daily for a period of 7 days. The choice of herbs for Udvartana include Triphala, neem. Licorice, rose, sandalwood along with few others.


Duration: 45 mins                                        Price: £45

Nasya means nasal therapy and as per Ayurveda, our nose is the door to consciousness and provides a pathway to the inner-self of our body and mind. It is a well-known fact that medications that are applied via nasal passages have a quick effect on us.

As part of Nasya treatment a variety of medicated herbal oils, medicated ghee are applied through the nose. The treatment is performed on an empty stomach an hour before or after a shower or exercise.

Nasya treatment can provide great relief in:

Duration: 30mins                                        Price: £35

Knee joint pain is caused by many conditions such as Osteoarthritis, bursitis, patellar tendonitis, sprained ligaments, Running, excessing wear in knee joints due to frequent bending etc.

While these knee problems can be physically very painful, they are often very annoying and irritating putting stress on our mental wellbeing as well.

Ayurveda treatment Janu Basti is made of two words Janu means – Knee joint and Basti means – to hold/keep in place (retained). In this therapy a dough ring made of herbal flour is formed on both the knee areas and a warm medicated oil is poured in the ring creating an oil pool. When the oil cools down, it is removed and the process is repeated. After oil pooling for an appropriate duration of time, the knee area may need to be massaged with warm herbal oils.

Janu Basti is a very popular and effective treatment that promotes the strengthening of the knee joints by restoring the lubricating fluid in the joints.


Duration: 45mins                                        Price: £45

Based on similar principles as Janu Basti, Kati Basti is a treatment where a circle of dough is placed on a specified area, often the lower back. Warm medicated oil is poured into the dough based on the practitioner’s prescription.

This is a great treatment for balancing Vata. Kati Basti improves sciatica, digestion, relieves spinal problems and calms the mind. The treatment works to improve blood flow, reduce swelling and alleviate pain.

Duration: 45mins                                        Price: £45

Greeva Basti is another Basti treatment focused on neck related problems. Fundamentally it is similar to other Basti treatments such as Janu Basti, Kati Basti. In this treatment, the dough ring is formed on the affected neck area and warm medicated oils are poured into it forming a pool.

It is very effective treatment for neck problems such as general neck pain (often due to screen stress, cervical spondylitis, I.V. disc prolapses, arthrosis etc.

Duration:  45mins                                        Price: £45

The pressure & stress of our day to day busy lives is easily shown in our facial muscles. Without releasing this tension, certain thoughts and emotions can become habitual, locking into the expression of our faces.

The Aurvedic marmafacial massage not only helps to melt away this tension, but also makes your skin glow.
The essential difference between Ayurvedic Marma Facial and usual beauty facials is that, during Ayurveda Marma Facial – the Facial MARMA points, that are located over lymph nodes & joints associating our face to endocrine glands, are specifically massaged. Gently massaging these Marma points is believed to release the tension from facial muscles by improving lymphatic and blood circulation, resulting in visibly glowing, radiant skin.

We use 100% organic Ayurvedic products specifically tailored to your needs.
So much more than just a facial treatment, our Ayurvedic marma facial massage includes:

Duration: 45 minutes                                        Price: £ 45

Kansa Wand Treatment is an expanded form of “Ayurvedic Marma Facial Massage.”. In this treatment an additional step is added to the process of Ayurvedic Marma Facial Massage. As an additional part a WAND made of Virgin Copper and Zinc, is used to massage facial MARMA point. Electroconductivity of KANSA WAND provides an incredibly effective way to activate these energy points, releasing all the tensions from facial muscles and providing your face a rejuvenative glow.

Herbs Used: While selection of herb is decided based on your skin type, generally following herbs as used in Kansa Wand Treatment:

Saffron– (more expensive per ounce than gold)powerful herb to brightening the complexion and also soothing irritation. The potassium found in saffron encourages cell repair, restoring damaged skin and slowing signs of ageing

Manjishtha– considered as apex of superfoods, it aids in purification by improving lymphatic circulation

Licorice– full of anti-oxidants to help combat ageing caused by free radicals and is helpful in fading pigmentation and blemishes4.

Duration: 60 minutes                                                                  Price: £60

Marma Point Scalp Massage also known as Shiro-Abhyanga is a very effective and rejuvenating head massage treatment, providing great benefits for:

The science behind Marma Scalp Massage: Short description provided below would help you understand the scientific functioning behind scalp massage.

There are 108 vital points on the body called marma points. Thirty-one of these are located in the head, coinciding with

Duration:45mins                                        Price:£40

Shiro Dhara is comprised of two words:-

A traditional and blissful Ayurvedic therapy  Shirodhara involves gently pouring a continuous stream of warm medicated herbal oil on the forehead from a specially designed vessel to promote relaxation and well-being.

Shirodhara activates the parasympathetic (rest & digest) nervous system and has a balancing effect on our sympathetic (fight or flight) nervous system.

That is why it can reach the depths of the – nervous system and consciousness, binding physical, mental, and emotional health together.

This luxurious and nourishing herbalized oil infused with extremely powerful herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Bhringraj and Brahmi takes the subtle yet impactful effects of Shirodhara deeper.

Want to find more about stress management in Ayurveda? Please find here.

Duration:60 mins                                        Price:£60

Takradhara is a treatment similar to Shirodhara, but instead of medicated oils (as used in Shirodhara), medicated buttermilk is used in Takradhara treatment. The process, functioning and benefits of this treatment are very similar to Shirodhara but depending upon your body and skin conditions, the Ayurvedic practitioner may prefer Takradhara over Shirodhara. Takradhara has been found more effective in insomnia, chronic headaches like migraine and spondylitis.

Duration: 60mins                                        Price: £60

Ksheerdhara is a treatment similar to Shirodhara, but in this treatment medicated milk is used instead of medicated oils (as used in Shirodhara). The herbs used to process the milk depends upon your condition and desired results. Ksheerdhara is very effective for people with Pitta constitution type and provides great relief for insomnia, headaches, burning sensation, hair loss.

Duration: 60mins                                        Price: £60

Pinda Sweda also known as Navarakizhi or Shashtika Shali Pinda, a deeply relaxing and invigorating ayurvedic therapeutic massage which promotes blood circulation, Improves lymphatic drainage, soothes nerves, relaxes muscles and greatly help in reducing muscular pain, swelling and stiffness.

In Pinda Sweda, the Pinda (meaning the bag-made of pure cotton cloth) is filled with a special kind of rice (called Shashtika Shali) cooked in milk and mixed with a selected herbal decoction. The warm begs are evenly rubbed on the affected areas to induce Sweda (the sweat/perspiration).

The heat and herbal extracts absorbed through the skin are highly rejuvenative, nourishing and strengthening. The sweat induced during the massage helps with lymphatic drainage and detoxify the body.

Pind Sweda is highly recommended for:

Duration: 30 mins                                        Price: £40

Udvartana is one of the signature treatments of Ayurveda that is performed by using detoxifying herbal pastes and powders rubbed all over the body and deeply massaged in specific movements allowing subcutaneous tissues to release their toxins efficiently.

The herbs are first mixed in nourishing oil that maximises the effect of micro-dermal abrasion, improves the circulation and aiding into the metabolic activity.


Udvartana is the treatment of choice for cellulite and obesity. The treatment starts with a hair and scalp massage followed by detoxifying powder massage of the body and ends in a session under a warm blanket leaving the body feeling invigorated and the mind relaxed.


Based on the detailed consultation, we choose the appropriate combination of herbs and oils. This combination, especially chosen for the individual (depending on his/her body constitution, climate and ailment etc.) would yield the specific result that one is looking for.

Udvartana is extremely beneficial when performed daily for a period of 7 days. The choice of herbs for Udvartana include Triphala, neem. Licorice, rose, sandalwood along with few others.


Duration: 45 mins                                        Price: £45

Nasya means nasal therapy and as per Ayurveda, our nose is the door to consciousness and provides a pathway to the inner-self of our body and mind. It is a well-known fact that medications that are applied via nasal passages have a quick effect on us.

As part of Nasya treatment a variety of medicated herbal oils, medicated ghee are applied through the nose. The treatment is performed on an empty stomach an hour before or after a shower or exercise.

Nasya treatment can provide great relief in:

Duration: 30mins                                        Price: £35

Knee joint pain is caused by many conditions such as Osteoarthritis, bursitis, patellar tendonitis, sprained ligaments, Running, excessing wear in knee joints due to frequent bending etc.

While these knee problems can be physically very painful, they are often very annoying and irritating putting stress on our mental wellbeing as well.

Ayurveda treatment Janu Basti is made of two words Janu means – Knee joint and Basti means – to hold/keep in place (retained). In this therapy a dough ring made of herbal flour is formed on both the knee areas and a warm medicated oil is poured in the ring creating an oil pool. When the oil cools down, it is removed and the process is repeated. After oil pooling for an appropriate duration of time, the knee area may need to be massaged with warm herbal oils.

Janu Basti is a very popular and effective treatment that promotes the strengthening of the knee joints by restoring the lubricating fluid in the joints.


Duration: 45mins                                        Price: £45

Based on similar principles as Janu Basti, Kati Basti is a treatment where a circle of dough is placed on a specified area, often the lower back. Warm medicated oil is poured into the dough based on the practitioner’s prescription.

This is a great treatment for balancing Vata. Kati Basti improves sciatica, digestion, relieves spinal problems and calms the mind. The treatment works to improve blood flow, reduce swelling and alleviate pain.

Duration: 45mins                                        Price: £45

Greeva Basti is another Basti treatment focused on neck related problems. Fundamentally it is similar to other Basti treatments such as Janu Basti, Kati Basti. In this treatment, the dough ring is formed on the affected neck area and warm medicated oils are poured into it forming a pool.

It is very effective treatment for neck problems such as general neck pain (often due to screen stress, cervical spondylitis, I.V. disc prolapses, arthrosis etc.

Duration:  45mins                                        Price: £45